お仕事報告 NHSの通訳 Job Report on NHS (Medical)interpreting – St Georges Hospital

例によってたらい回し(怒) 着きゃしない。
ENT (耳鼻科のこと) へ行けと書いてあったけどウソばっかり。
Bloody hell…!! I was told to got to St George’s hospital and to ENT dept in Atkinson Morley Wing. So I went to this AM Wing, then I was told ENT wasn’t in that wing but in Grosvenor Wing. So I went to try this GW,and then again there I was told it wasn’t there but this time in Lanesborough Wing. I went to LB Wing, see what happened, I actually found the ENT dept there .
However, that wasn’t the end of story, the receptionist said there was no such appointment. She called the Atkinson Morley Wing to find out, the findings was that it was not ENT at all, it was supposed to be Neurology Dept. which meant I had to go back. Back to square one – Atkinson Morley Wing.
The appointment itself was meant to be 20 min, but finding the right place took longer. It had taken nearly 1 hour just to get to Tooting Broadway (tube station) from home…!! This is just ridiculous…
I felt really sorry for the patient. That annoyed me, to be honest, more than being the fact that the informed medical field was *wrong.* Good call I had experienced a similar symptom in the past.
Had I not personally experienced it, it could’ve wound up being an embarrassing experience! I knew quite a lot about this (sort of) illness and it’s medical procedures, which is to my benefit…
Good grief. I’m going to report this (politely complain really) to the agency because it’s a problem. It’s wasting time, wasting money of all parties involved expect theirs. What’s worse – keeping the poor patient waiting feeling anxious.
They’d lost confidence in our work BEFORE they even saw any of us, and we don’t deserve it. It doesn’t only bring both of us, agencies and service providers, down, but it would ruin the reputation and confidence in the industry.
PSI (public service interpreting) isn’t such a job that “the pay is low, the service providers are less qualified, probably less experienced. They can only get these menial jobs, because they’re not good enough to take on better jobs like conference assignments.” – No. That’s not why I do this.
I do this because it is important. Litigations, police matters, health matters… they are about people’s LIVES. It requires high quality and certain level of training and expertise. The responsibility is not small, and yet the pay is not big. There are untrained service providers in such segments of the industry. Which makes all the more important for professional interpreters who are fully qualified to embark on. The idea is like “doctors sans frontieres.”
This is something close to my heart, so I might have sounded emotional.
I apologise for that, and thanks for reading.