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Vol.016(Editorial)U.S. forces in Japan must be strongly pressed to ensure safety




【今日の素材】2018年2月26日 朝日新聞(デジタル)2/22 朝刊の社説

シジミ漁の漁船 fishing boats collecting “Shijimi” clams

落下地点 the site where the tanks splashed into the lake

住民を巻き込む大惨事 a disaster causing civilian casualties

不時着水 crash-land in the sea

大破する was wrecked

輸送ヘリ CH-53E helicopter

電子戦機 a U.S. Navy EA18G Growler electric warfare aircraft

在日米軍 U.S. forces in Japan

狭い国土に人口が密集する日本 Japan, a densely populated nation, than in the United States

地位協定 the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) between the two countries

乱暴な運用 risky and careless operations

首都圏上空の巨大な空域の管制 in charge of flight control for a huge swath of airspace over the Tokyo metropolitan area

主権国家 (the government of) a sovereign state

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