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Vol.013(Editorial)SDF chopper crash may signal grave structural problems




【今日の素材】2018年2月13日 朝日新聞(デジタル)2/8 朝刊の社説

自衛隊員 a Ground Self-Defense Force

戦闘ヘリコプター attack helicopter

乗員 crew member(s)

軽傷を負う injuring (an 11-year-old girl)

駐屯地 Base

整備状況 the maintenance work (carried out on the aircraft)

事故機 ill-fated helicopter

飛行50時間ごと every 50 flight hours

メインローター(主回転翼) rotor blades (based on engine output)

部品交換 component placement

熟練度 sufficient skill and knowledge

死亡墜落事故 fatal crash

(自らの)足元を見つめなおす (authorities need to) start by taking a fresh, hard look at what is transpiring on the front line (of SDF operations)

自衛隊の任務 workload on individual members

最新鋭兵器 state-of-the-art U.S. weapons

購入費 spending (on)

しわ寄せが及ぶ the massive outlays (to buy…)force cuts in (spending on maintenance and repair equipment)

離島防衛 to defend remote islands

専門部隊 (to station) special troops

部隊輸送 to transport the troops

オスプレイを配備する to deploy Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft (to)

実効性のある再発防止策 an effective plan to prevent the recurrence of accidents

ひずみ(に目を向ける) (determine) problems that may be plaguing (the organization)

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