Vol.020(Editorial)Lessons remain relevant today from decades of deadly pollution
【今日の素材】2018年3月26日 朝日新聞(デジタル)3/22 朝刊の社説
高度成長期 the era of Japan’s rapid and strong economic growth
収益を重視する (their) blatant, singled-minded pursuit of profits; profit-focused
環境対策を怠る fail to make serious efforts to prevent their operations from causing environmental damage
行政が見逃す the government turned a blind eye (to this widespread environmental negligence)
「イタイイタイ病」 Itai-itai disease [it hurts, it hurts]
患者や遺族 patients (of — ) and the families
損害賠償を求める(訴訟) launch the suit
廃水の改善 (farmer demanded) measures to purify wastewater from the mine upstream from the river
土壌の復元 remedial measures such as soil decontamination
汚染防止に努める take steps to prevent pollution
水俣病 Minamata disease (in Kumamoto and Kagoshima Prefectures)
新潟水俣病 Niigata Minamata disease (in Niigata Prefecture)
四日市ぜんそく Yokkaichi Asthma (in Mie Prefecture)
四大公害病 so-called “Four Big Pollution Disease”
顕在化する occur
工場廃水 wastewater from factories
ばい煙 soot (from factories)
復元に多大な時間と労力を要する repairing (disastrous damage done to the environment) requires an enormous amount of time and effort
海外事業 operations abroad
社会全体で共有、継承し、今に生かす widely shared and handed down for rightful actions so that we will never cause such a tragedy again