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Vol.010(Editorial)Wobbly thinking on security law highlights need for Diet debate





【今日の素材】2018年2月6日 朝日新聞(デジタル)2/3 朝刊の社説

安全保障関連法(安保法)national security legislation

裁判所が退ける reject (the suit)

安保・防衛論議 debate on national security and defense

土台に関わる (important issues that) strike at the core of (dabate on -)

真摯で丁寧な説明 an honest and detailed explanation (the public is owed — from the government)

陸上自衛官 an active member of the Ground Self-Defense Force

集団的自衛権の行使 exercise the right to collective self-defense

違憲 the Constitution prohibits (Japan from –)

存立危機事態 “sonritsu kiki jitai” or a security crisis that threatens the nation’s survival

防衛出動の命令 mobilization order for collective self-defense operations

一審(の東京地裁) the Tokyo District Court

東京高裁 the Tokyo Hight Court

重い処分 (face) severe disciplinary action

刑事罰 criminal action (for disobeying such an order)

審理を差し戻すremand the case back to the district court

北朝鮮情勢 tensions over North Korea

国難 “national crisis”

北朝鮮との衝突 military conflict with North Korea

抽象的な仮定に過ぎない nothing but an “abstract and hypothetical assumption”

憲法解釈 interpretation of the Constitution (and railroading the contentious legislation through the Diet)

一蹴する (the high court) quite rightly spurred (the government’s argument)

納得できる具体例 (fail to offer) convincing criteria for recognizing a crisis of survival (that allows he nation to engage in collective self-defense)

ホルムズ海峡 Strait of Hormuz, the

機雷除去 minesweeping operations

恣意的な判断(に委ねられている) it is up to the government’s discretion to decide whether a certain situation qualified as. Crisis of survival for Japan

現状の危うさ the dangerous reality (that it is –)

(判決)を機に (the high court decision) prompt (the Diet to have fresh debate…)

本質的な問題 essential problem with the security legislation

改めて問い直す(議論) to have fresh debate

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