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【今日の素材】2017年12月28日 朝日新聞(デジタル)12/26 朝刊の社説

政権に復帰する return to power
自民党総裁選 the Liberal Democratic Party’s presidential election
通算の首相在任日数 歴代最長 longest serving Japanese Prime Minister in history
長期政権 the longevity of his leadership
前面に掲げて (by) focusing his election campaigns on (…)
5連勝 five consecutive national election victories heady triumph in each of these polls
「数の力」 power of numbers
〜に特徴的なのは is marked by
次から次へと看板を掛け替えていく 「スローガン政治」の手法 a steady stream of new slogans to change the defining policy themes of his administration
耳目をひく designed to pique public interest
取り組む姿勢を強調する stress his commitment to achieving the goals
指導力と実行力(を演出する) cast himself as a powerful leader who can get things done
アベノミクスの「3本の矢」 ”three arrows” of Abenomics (three main pillars of his expansionary economic agenda)
「女性活躍」 enhance the role of women in society
「地方創生」 local revitalization
「1億総活躍社会」 100 million people play active roles
「働き方改革」 reform the way Japanese work
「人づくりの改革」 revolutionize human development
「待機児童ゼロ」 (having) zero children on waiting lists for nursery schools
「非正規(労働)という言葉をなくす」 non-regular (workers) obsolete
「介護離職ゼロをめざす」 ensuring no one will be forced to leave his/her job to care for family members
就業者数が増える the number of jobs has increased
国の税収が伸びる the government’s tax revenue has grown
(その名ほどの)成果を挙げているとは言いがたい the administration cannot claim that its economic policy has achieved much of what was promised in its high-sounding slogans
「デフレ脱却」 the government has yet to declare an end to deflation
日銀 the Bank of Japan
「物価上昇率2パーセント」 先送りし続ける push back as many as six times the time frame for achieving its inflation target of 2 percent
基礎的財政収支の黒字化 primary surplus – government tax receipts exceeding outlays other than net interest; a key fiscal policy target
なしくずし的に(延期する) switch from one policy to another
世界経済フォーラム the World Economic Forum
G7で最下位 the lowest position of a Gap of Seven industrial nation
着実に手を打つ make steady efforts to achieve each goal
虚心に検証する through honest, objective assessments of the results of its efforts
工夫を重ねる adjust its plans and approaches
本来あるべき(そうした手順) follow the essential process
十分に踏む(ことなく fail to follow (this essential process)
「経済優先」の実像 economy focused policy agenda
政権に圧倒的な多数を与える give the administration an overwhelming mandate
野党の弱さ weak and fragmented opposition
選挙制度の特性 the features of the electoral system
国民の思いや記憶は長続きしないもの the people have short-term feeling and memory
〜と映っているとしても不思議ではない it would not be surprising (if…)
特定秘密保護法 the state secrets protection law
安全保障関連法 the national security legislation
「共謀罪」法 the “anti-conspiracy” law
国の骨格 the basic framework of the nation
押し通す push through
下落した内閣支持率 (to) shore up sagging Cabinet approval ratings
次に目指すのは S is now posed to take steps to accomplish O
改憲 to revise the constitution


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