第11回(社説)米国の核戦略 歴史に逆行する愚行
【今日の素材】2018年2月7日 朝日新聞(デジタル)2/4 朝刊の社説
核兵器のない世界 a future without nuclear weapons
国際世論 the world’s hopes for (–)
核軍縮 nuclear disarmament
歴史に逆行する push back the progress that has been made
核戦略見直し(NPR) 2018 Nuclear Posture Review, the
核政策の指針となる報告書 a report that lays down guiding principles for U.S. nuclear policy (for the next five to 10 years)
核の役割と能力を拡大する姿勢 (to) expand the roles and capabilities (of America’s nuclear arsenal)
鮮明に打ち出す has made clear its intension (to –)
状況は急激に悪化した “global threat conditions have worsened markedly”
時代錯誤(も甚だしい)(is) hopelessly anachronistic
不毛な軍拡競争 a future arms race
国際テロ組織 international terrorist groups
誤認による核戦争 (contribute to increasing the risks ) accidental nuclear war due to a human error
核物質の流出の危険 theft of nuclear material
超党派 a non partisan group (of hour elder U.S. statesmen)
歴史的な議論の積み重ね the long history of debate on the issue
潜水艦発射型の弾道ミサイル submarine-launched ballistic missiles
巡航ミサイル cruise missiles
爆発力を弱めた核弾頭 “low-yield” nuclear warheads (to be mounted on –)
通常兵器 conventional weapons
偶発的な核戦争 (the likelihood of) accidental nuclear war (would rise)
核不拡散条約(NPT) Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the
核保有国 nuclear powers
核軍縮の義務 (requires to pursue) nuclear disarmament
核大国 a leading nuclear power
核政策 nuclear strategy
国際体制を損ねる deliver a heavy blow to the international regime (to prevent nuclear proliferation)
議会演説 (his State of the Union) address to Congress
冷笑的に語る say sarcastically
武力で自国の優越感を満たす (his desire to) secure America’s military superiority over others
最大の懸念要因 (constitute) the largest concern (for the future of the world)