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第12回(社説)核戦略と日本 これが被爆国の談話か



【今日の素材】2018年2月9日 朝日新聞(デジタル)2/7 朝刊の社説

戦争被爆国 nation experienced the horror of atomic bombing

核軍拡(に追従する) blindly follow (the Trump administration’s tough new) nuclear policy

「核なき世界」 a nuclear-free world

(意思の)片鱗を示す (efforts to) achieve (a nuclear-free world)

核政策の指針 nuclear deterrence

「核戦略見直し」 (sweeping) Nuclear Posture Review(NPR)

核廃絶の理想 (to achieve) nuclear-free world

小型の核の開発 smaller nukes

核抑止 nuclear deterrence

核軍縮 nuclear disarmament

相反するものではない are not mutually exclusive

予測困難な要因 (for an) unforeseeable reason

外務省委託研究 a study commissioned by the Foreign Ministry

(世界の核軍縮を)率先する使命 (it has) a duty to lead the world in nuclear disarmament

核兵器禁止条約 the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

軍備管理・軍縮 arms management and disarmament (system)

削減達成 successful attainment o the target

核軍拡・拡散 nuclear arms expansion and proliferation

核軍縮・廃絶 nuclear disarmament and abolition

浅薄 shamelessly irresponsible

核兵器廃絶決議案 (present) an annual nuclear abolition resolution

核保有国 (the world’s) nuclear powers

非核保有国 non-nuclear powers

歯止めをかける put a brake on (the Trump administration of nuclear might)

打開を探る strive to explore an objective resolution

外交の発信力を高める hone its diplomatic skills (to better communicate its resolve to rid the world of nuclear weapons)


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