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第14回(社説)米艦の防護 情報公開の名に値せぬ



【今日の素材】2018年2月20日 朝日新聞(デジタル)2/16 朝刊の社説

艦船 military ships

「武器等防護」 SDF escort missions

安全保障関連法 (newly enacted) national security legislation

米艦防護 to provide protection for U.S. military ships and aircraft

中身の薄さ (is surprisingly) short on substance

「防衛に必要な能力向上のための共同訓練」 ”going exercises to improve the capabilities required for national defense”

安保法案の国会審議 (during) Diet deliberations on the security legislation (in 2015)

「情報開示」 disclose as much related information as possible / substantial disclosure

「丁寧な説明」 (offer) detailed descriptions

海上自衛隊 Maritime Self-Defense Force

護衛艦 (a Maritime Self-Defense Force) helicopter destroyer

施政方針演説 policy speech

政権による恣意的な情報操作 (this stance – of the Abe administration – should be criticized) as a strategy aimed at manipulation information

ずさんな手続き extremely lax reporting procedures

国家安全保障会議(NSC) the National Security Council

武器等防護 the operational guidelines for SDF escort operations (developed in 2016)


「指針に従い…報告した」 (the missions carried out last year) were reported to the NSC… according to the guidelines

立憲民主党 (the opposition) Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan

質問主意書 written questions

答弁書 written answers

平時 in peacetime

民主的統制の不全 a sign of a serious deficiency in the democratic control over the SDF

9条改憲論 discussion on an amendment to the war-renouncing Article 9 of the Constitution

安保法を正す(議論) debate on problems with the security legislation


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