第18回(社説)福島の原発被災地 まちの再生、探り続ける
【今日の素材】2018年3月7日 朝日新聞(デジタル)3/4 朝刊の社説
避難指示 the evacuation order
東日本大震災 the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
原発事故 the catastrophic accident (of Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant)
深手を負う devastated by
医療と介護 health and nursing care
意向調査 a survey (of evacuees)
被災者 evacuees *disaster-stricken people/victims
被災地 disaster-stricken areas
環境を整える make things easier for evacuees (to return t their former communities if they want to do so)
眼科 eye doctor *opthalmologist
診療所の内科と外科 clinics for surgery and internal medicine
広域連携 cooperation among areas, such as joint efforts by multiple municipalities
復興政策 to restore necessary functions and facilities
施設整備に偏りがち troubling signs that the government’s policy too support the reconstruction of disaster-hit areas tends to focus on the building or facilities
人手の配分 priorities in allocating the financial and human resources
(人のつながりが)根こそぎ壊される the vital bonds between people have been totally destroyed
期間や賠償金をめぐる分断 conflict and division over such issues as the status of evacuees a to whether they can return home or how much compensation they have received
影を落とす (local communities have also been) hurt by
避難指示 the evacuation order
原発関係の作業員 the nuclear workers
*be throng with ~でにぎわう
復興を担う人材の育成塾 a project to help people acquire the skills and abilities needed for the reconstruction of effected communities
「ふるさと住民票」 ”Furusato Juminhyo” (hometown certificate of residence)
原発を推進する国策 the government’s long-running policy of promoting nuclear power generation
*grave fact 重い事実
復興への歩み support the affected communities’ struggles to rebuild themselves