go into administration 破産申請をする
今回取り上げる表現はビジネス表現 go into administration です。
Mothercare’s UK business has become the latest high-profile victim of the high street crisis as the baby and maternity retailer said it was entering administration, putting 2,500 jobs at risk.
The company said it expected its 79-shop UK chain and online business, which lost £36.3m last year, to be wound down by administrators as it had become clear it could not return to profitability.
Mothercare to appoint administrators for UK chain, putting 2,500 jobs at risk
go into administration 破産申請をする
“You must appoint an administrator – who must be a professional ‘insolvency practitioner’.”
“The administrator will write to your creditors and Companies House to say they’ve been appointed.”
“Your administrator will try to stop your company being wound up* (‘liquidated’*). If they can’t, they will try to pay as much of your company’s debts as possible from the company’s assets.”
GOV.UK | Put your company into administration
要約すると、破産申請をする(go into administration)ということは、企業が支払不能に陥り破産管財人の管理下に置かれること。administration つまりこれを行う administrator とは professional ‘insolvency practitioner’(破産管財人)のことであり、管財人から債権者(creditors)とCompanies House(イギリス会社登記所)に連絡をし、管財人は会社が清算されるのを避ける努力をし、どうしても清算が避けられない場合は会社の資産から可能な限り負債を支払えるようにする。
Going into administration is when a company becomes insolvent* and is put under the management of Licensed Insolvency Practitioners*. The directors and the secured lenders can appoint administrators through a court process in order to protect the company and their position as much as possible.
What Does Going Into Administration Mean? – Company Rescue
*insolvent 支払い不能の 【発音】 /ɪnˈsɒlv(ə)nt/
= bankrupt(破産した)
*Licensed Insolvency Practitioners
*be wound up (企業を)清算する 清算 = winding up (n.)
= liquidated
「Liquidation は Winding up と Dissolution の両方を含む。Winding up は機能して いる企業体または順調な企業が、企業を清算する手続きである。この手続きは、法的 に必要とされる資産を集め、債務を支払い、残りを分配する作業を行う清算人 (Liquidator)の任命を含む。Dissolution は、企業体がもはや存在しない、登録から 抹消されたとする登記局による公告で、官報で告知される。」とある。
また、administration にかかる語としては同様に以下のような組み合わせも覚えておきたい。
- demise* to —
- put into —
*demise 死去する, 逝去する, 崩御する 【発音】UK /dɪˈmaɪz/ US /dɪˈmaɪz/
1. the death of a person;
2. the end of something that was previously considered to be powerful, such as a business, industry, or system.
(Cambridge Dictionary|https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/demise)
Mothercare UK administration plan threatens 2,500 jobs – BBC News
新産業構造ビジョンを踏まえた我が国企業の産業競争力強化に 関する調査研究 報告書