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【今日の素材】2018年1月9日 朝日新聞(デジタル)1/4 朝刊の社説

「バブル期超え」surpass(ing) their[Japan’s key economic indicators] levels during the bubble economy era in the late 1980s
有効求人倍率 ratio of job offers to applicants, the
日経平均株価 bench mark Nikkei Stock Average, the
資産デフレ collapse of the asset price bubble, the
地価と株価 land and stock prices
軒を連ねる have a plethora of (bank branch offices)
(店舗が)立ち並ぶ (the capital’s renowned, upscale retail and entertainment) hub
低迷を続ける years if languishing at low levels
(いつ)を底に反転する bottom out (in yyyy)and increase by (figure)
背後には(〜がある)driven by
制度改革 reforms of (various) systems
不良債権処理 (to) tackle [its=financial system’s] bad debt problem
荒療治 (revamped) through drastic measures
護送船団行政(の時代)”convoy system”
政官業の「鉄の三角形」(the foundation of) “iron triangle” of politicians, bureaucrats and businesses
名門企業 time-honored companies

a bevy of startups

巨額の公共投資 a public works spending binge
大胆な金融緩和 aggressive monetary easing
功罪の議論(は続く) debate on the benefits and evils (of these policies)
(実験的な政策)をも迫る(経済状況) (the nation’s economic conditions) demanded radical, even experimental, steps
凍りついたままに見える there seems to be no sign of (a positive shift)
企業家精神 business mind-set, the
利益を上げながら(=にも関わらず) despite racking up even more profits
賃上げや投資に慎重である wage hikes and investment
カネを溜め込む傾向が続く show a continued tendency to build up cash reserves
懸念材料 concerns
後ろ向きの姿勢 an excessively negative mind-set
資金繰りに困った experienced financing hardships
将来の成長を低く見積もる (tend to have) lower estimates their future growth
「履歴効果」”history effect”
失業した労働者が技能を蓄積する機会を奪われる(現象) workers who have lost their jobs fail to find an opportunity to develop their skills
潜在成長率 (estimates of) the growth potential (of the Japanese economy)
推計値 estimates
頭打ちになる no acceleration of growth
目立った成果を出すlead to significant progress
見極める identify (the factors that are hampering productivity gains)
成長と分配(の両立) pursue both growth and better distribution
コスト削減に邁進する be obsessed with cutting costs
大きな負の影響(をもたらす) generate serious negative effects
非正規社員 non-regular workers
「働き方改革」 (the government’s efforts to promote) reform of the way Japanese work
経営環境の変化が速い (amid) rapid changes in the management environment
人材の可能性を引き出す(こと) enable (our) employees to achieve their full potential
処遇格差 (eliminate) disparities in treatment of employees
株主重視経営 (the champion of) shareholder value
経済活動 economic activity
犠牲を払う pay dearly for
過剰な楽観 too optimistic and complacent
萎縮を続ける remain daunted by failure
効率化 boost efficiency
社会が軋む society as a whole will suffer
ありきたり(である) (sounds like a) cliche
凡庸(さ) (endure this) banality (and continue adjusting ourselves…)
デフレ脱却 (finally emerges from deflation
「バブル後」が終わる comes to the end of the “post-bubble” tunnel
高齢化[名詞句] rapid aging, the
人口減[名詞句] shrinking population (the)
世界経済の中での存在感が薄れる Japan’s presence in the world economy is waning
財政・金融政策の余力 room for additional fiscal and monetary policy maneuvering (shrink)
着実に前に進む deal with the tough challenges through steady efforts (to nurture…)


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