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第17回(社説)裁量労働拡大 法案から分離し出直せ



【今日の素材】2018年2月27日 朝日新聞(デジタル)2/23 朝刊の社説

裁量労働制(vs一般労働)”discretionary working system” (vs ordinary jobs)

規制を緩和する  deregulation

「働き方改革」法案  “work style reform” bill

現場の実態(を調べ→に合った)  in tune with the workplace reality

残業の上限規制  the introduction of a legal upper limit on overtime

働き過ぎの防止   (to take steps to) prevent overwork

守勢の政府  =相手の攻撃に対し,防ぎ守るだけの状態。受け身の態勢。

高度プロフェッショナル制度  “sophisticated professionals system”

拙速に進める(政府)  (the government’s) rash move to push through (such major labor policy)

労働政策審議会(労政審)  (the government’s) Labor Policy Council

基礎資料 the basic materials for discussion

「おおむね妥当」  “mostly reasonable”

(中立の立場の)有識者  (neutral) experts

労使  representatives of labor and management

合意を探る  (the council is) designed as a forum of discussion

産業競争力会議  the council for industrial competitiveness

規制改革会議  the council for regulatory reform

政権肝いり(の会議)  set up to promote the administration’s policy

政権に先立って方針を打ち出す  had already thrown their weight behind the deregulation proposals

労働政策研究・研修機構  the Japan Institute for Labor Policy and Training

なし崩し(の拡大)  (gradual expansion of the system) without careful and fact-based debate on the proposal (is unacceptable)


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