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ルクセンブルク -欧州連合司法裁判所 報告 その1 Luxembourg EuropeanCourt of Justice Report Part.1 [Bilingual 二ヶ国語]



Eurostarの発車駅はSt Pancras。こちら地下鉄(Tube)を降りて、改札を通過したところ。
(Pancreas=すい臓 ではありません!) そうやって発音する人結構いるんだけど(現地人で)・・・。
Taking Eurostar to Brussels, and then different train on to Luxembourg. Just arrived at King’s Cross / St. Pancras (not Pancreas ! although there are quite a few locals who calls this station Pancreas…)
いつ来ても、アタマが混乱する。。電車だから「15分前くらいに行けばいっか」と無意識に感じながら、Passport Controlがあるのは空港のよう。 
It always confuses me.  My initial perception is “this is a train journey”, and naturally feels ” arriving 15 min prior to departure should be (more than) enough!” where it isn’t.  It says passengers should give 30 min MORE. There is Passport Control, because – of course – it is an international connection, therefore it feels as if being in an international airport.


I think it is because there is this mixture of experience i.e. it is train station but international and because it is international there is security check, because there is security check it feels like taking a flight, but because it is actually train service you can bring drinks and food on board…



Escalator on to the platform.


First time in Luxembourg station.

Viaduct ear accommodation. 


Apparently it is the World Heritage.


First thing first. You know the drill!!


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