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【今日の素材】2018年4月3日 朝日新聞(デジタル)3/30 朝刊の社説

来年春の退位 (to) abdicate the throne next spring

組織的戦闘 organized fighting

沖縄本島 the main Okinawa island

米艦船 U.S. warships

平和記念公園 the Peace Memorial Park

憲法が定める国事行為 the boundary of what the Constitution defines as the acts the emperor shall perform “in matters of state”

「慰霊の旅」 (Akihito’s) journey to console the souls of the war victims

平和主義の理念 pacifist principles of the Constitution

日本最西端の与那国島 the westernmost land of Japan

*accession to the throne 即位

「国民統合の象徴」 ”the symbol of the state and f the unity of the people”

公を担う政治家 politicians who are representatives of the people

琉球王国 Ryukyu Kingdom

琉球処分 the Japanese tributary kingdom was reconfigured as the Ryukyu Domain under the direct control of Japan’s Meiji government and then turned into Okinawa Prefecture


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